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School Anthem

Chorus: Campions, we are Campions,
Students of Campion School,
Disciples of Edmund Campion.


1. We’ll stride singing,
Flaming God’s grandeur,
Unshaken by pride or fear,
Grounded in faith and love.


2. Courage in truth, our strength
Justice for all, our vision,
Service for men, our action,
Wearing man’s smudge, sharing his smell.


3. Nurturing talents, growing in beauty,
Joyful heart, steadfast learning,
We’ll march singing God’s glory,
Models of Campion, our captain Campions..

Prayer Song

Thou, Mastering Me, Lord..


Thou mastering me, Lord
Giver of breath and bread,
World’s strand, sway of the sea,
Lord of living and dead.


Thou hast bound bones in me,
Thou has fastened me flesh,
Dost thou touch me fresh over?
I feel Thy finger again and find Thee. (Thou…)


Thou heardest me truer than any,

Thou knowest all hour and night, I whirlout wings that spell in sky,

I flee with a fling to Thy heart, Master. (Thou…)


Prayer before Class


O God, we offer you this day all our thoughts, words and actions. Make us your loving children, good in behavior, pure in speech and earnest in studies. Never permit us to do anything displeasing to you and others.



Prayer after Class​


O God, we thank you for all the blessings and graces you gave us today. Forgive us if we have offended you. Make us remember whatever we have learnt today.

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